How to Invite Friends to your game.
Typical Invite Options Hardwood Games offers several ways to invite friends to your game. You can still invite friends directly from the lobby: Tap on a friend's name in the lobby list. Choose "Invite to Game." New Deep Link Feature The new deep link ...
Binds, shortcuts to make complex chat easy.
What the heck are these binds! Binds are shortcuts/keywords that expand out to longer sentences that you can create. For instance in a game you can type "/jd2" in a ingame chat to say "Looky what I found!!" Below is the entire list of default binds. ...
Understanding the "TRAM" Feature
Overview This knowledge base article aims to clarify the purpose and function of the "TRAM" button in our Spades game. It will provide an explanation of when and why the button appears, how it works, and its benefits to players. "TRAM" stands for ...
Troubleshooting Full Membership Issues in the Game
If you have purchased a full membership for a game but are experiencing issues accessing the full features, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issue. Check your sign in name: Make sure you are signed in with the same ...
How are the cards shuffled?
So we create a random number thats 226 bits long. long enough to represent every possible combination of a deck of 52 cards. If you want to know how many unique decks that is, watch this video... You will never play the same game twice. This ...
I ordered by mistake, can I get a refund?
Yeah, if you need a refund because you ordered by mistake, thats not a issue. Just send in a support ticket with pertinent information like your Sign in name, when the charge occurred, and just explain the overall issue. Note: Orders placed through ...
How to Block and Manage Toxic Players in Chat
Dealing with toxic players can be a frustrating and unpleasant experience. However, there are tools available to help you manage your interactions with them. In-game, you can use the "Ignore" feature to block a player's chat. To use the "Ignore" ...
How to change the game rules for single player Hearts, Euchre, Spades and Backgammon
When you choose single player game (vs multiplayer) from the main menu, there will be a button on the next box that says "change rules." Tap that button to alter the game rules to your favorites.
Do the games work on 32bit os?
Our most recent downloads do require 64bit OS on windows and Mac. However you can find the 32bit versions on the download page as well:
Do old versions work on mobile?
The old version do not work on Mobile devices. When we moved to Mobile is when we created the new version. The old version is still avaiolabe for its originally intended platforms. You can download old and new versions on our download page: ...
Sort the cards in your hand: Spades
In build 540 we'd added a feature that allows you to change how we sort your hand in Hardwood Spades. be default each suit is sorted with the low card on the left, and the high cards on the right. you can change that to be high to low or low to ...
When can a player be kicked from a game?
When can a player be kicked from a game? In non-rated games and for non-rated players, a majority vote by the other players can result in a player being kicked. Hosts can kick bots (AI players) at any time. The host can kick anyone before the game ...
Equip Items after Purchase
After you purchase items they will appear in the inventory where those things are customized. First select Options from the main menu. Then Appearance or Avatar. Items and Tokens are not shared inventory; make sure you are signed in under the ...
Using Chat
When you've joined a game with your friends look in the upper left corner for the Chat tab. Selecting the Tab will pull out a chat box. Place your marker in the yellow bar next to the chat bubble icon at the bottom of the box. Type your message and ...
ADD Names Visual Guide
For current build: Just sign in to the game with your name with the Plus memberhsip, tap on your name on the menu menu screen and choose "add user" For old builds: Select Your “MainUserName” Select Account Settings. Select Add Names. You’ll arrive at ...
Backgammon: Why does my opponent get doubles so much?
Understanding Dice Rolls and Probability in Backgammon Hey there! I understand your concern about the rolls, and we're here to shed some light on how the dice work in Backgammon to get a better since of what to expect. First, let's look at the pure ...
How to restore game invites
If you've chosen to "Ignore Invites" in the past, but would like to turn them back on follow these instructions: From the lobby, choose "menu" -> "Lobby" -> "allow Invites" There you'll have 3 choices, to allow all invites, only people you've ...
Remove a old username from the sign in box drop-down.
If you have old usernames you no longer need showing up in your drop-down list when using the sign in box, you can remove them by either right clicking or long pressing them.
Mac OSX Catalina broke my game as it doesn't support 32 bit
Our old games with unlock keys are only 32 bit and will not work on OSX Catalina. Our new games that use plus memberships are 64 bit and can be downloaded here:
I have an unlock key for an older game, where can I download it?
Here are links to the old Version 1 games on our Downloads page, where you can find all of our games and their various versions: Once installed press SHFT+F6 to enter your key.
How do the ratings work?
The basic idea is that the better place you get, the better it will be for your rating. It's also important how you and the other players are rated before the game starts. You will earn more for besting a high rated player and conversely lose more to ...
How do I reset my rating
To reset your rating click on your at the bottom left of the main menu and choose "view profile" then pick "game statistics". Scroll down to the rating you want to reset and press the button. note that this puts you back to a provisional rating ...
What's in a Plus Membership?
Includes 3 Usernames You can have up to 3 of your names with separate stats and ratings. Compete head to head Your plus membership gets you access to play Rated games, and compete for ratings! Chat online You'll have a blast chatting with new ...
Recovering Lost Game Data and Progress
All your stuff, plus membership, fooms, background etc are attached to your account. So it can be quite a shock if you get signed in under a different account and all your stuff it gone. So make sure you sign in with the correct account. Also we ...
Signing in through game center, facebook or google play.
The basic way to sign in to an account is with a name and password. However you can also attach various other options depending on the platform you are playing on. We allow facebook login from Android, iOS, Windows and Mac. YOu can use Gamecenter ...
Can I use my old version unlock key on the new version games?
Sorry but fundamentally the new games work on a different principle which we switched to more than a decade ago. Back in the day, we used to sell each game individually (which you can still access). Now we attached the purchase to your account ...
My purchase isn't showing up
When you purchase an avatar, backgrounds and other DLC, they aren't automatically applied. They become available to use, but you need to go pick them. You'll find most of those items under "options". Another thing to keep in mind, is that items ...
Forgot my sign-in name or password
As long as the email is still valid on your usernames you can use this link to recover them: As long as your email has completed the verification process you can use this link to reset your ...
Cancel/modify My Plus Membership
You can manage your membership or see your purchase history here at any time by signing in with the account with the plus membership: You also may access this page from the game itself, by clicking on ...
Safety Moon Shoot in Hardwood Hearts
Shooting the moon or the sun in a game of Hearts can be a thrilling experience, but it's important to keep in mind that if you succeed in taking all the points, your opponents will end up with those points instead of you. However, there's an ...
Rude/Abusive players
As we all know the internet is full of all sorts of people and many of them seem less inhibited about their thoughts. Sometimes we just would prefer not to hear those thoughts, I mean, really can't they just keep those things in their heads. LOL. ...
Troubleshooting Connection Issues in Hardwood Games
When you can't connect to the Hardwood games online servers its usually one of 3 things: But first, the best thing to do is restart your device, so that we're starting fresh. If the problem persists, continue... 1 ) A rare temporary server down time. ...
Lost unlock key (old version games)
If you need to recover an old version unlock key, you can do so here: If that doesn't work for you, submit a support ticket with the follow to help us look it up. Current Email: Email (at signup): First ...