Can I use my old version unlock key on the new version games?
Sorry but fundamentally the new games work on a different principle which we switched to more than a decade ago.
Back in the day, we used to sell each game individually (which you can still access). Now we attached the purchase to your account name; we don't really sell the game, as you can download and play all of our games for free. Plus membership gives Version 2 players full chat privileges, rated game play and tokens to customize the game. Tokens can be bought without membership also, to use with Version 2 only.
If you have an unlock key, and you want to access your old games, you can do so by downloading Version 1 games from the links below:
Hardwood Spades version 1
Hardwood Hearts version 1
Hardwood Euchre version 1
Hardwood Backgammon version 1
Hardwood Solitaire III
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